Is this some kind of protest against the Peavy-for-Pujols trade? Remember, the one I made because you hitters kept scuffling around .260/.780 territory, while all you pitchers were unhittable strikeout machines? (Yes, pitchers, I'm aware your 6.69/1.35 line is currently whomping the DLs'--I mean, the Meats'--9.31/2.28, but still. It's not that you're winning, it's that his guys seem to be going out of their way to lose. Bravo on the 4 wins with that line, though.)

Well, hitters, you've got Pujols on your side now instead of Konerko, so keep it up. Sabathia, you're my ace now that I've shipped off both Peavy and Lackey, and I expect you to act like one. Try and keep the other guys in line. Have a talk with Lincecum. Take young Yovani Gallardo out for dinner. Give everyone a fun nickname. Whatever works for you.
1 comment:
Not much can be done about the .392/1.107 but it has been fun watching my entire team roll over and die so far this week.
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