Other interesting DB morsels:
- Yahoo only perfectly predicted 2 of our players, i.e. O-ranking is same as current ranking: Alex 1-1 and JJ Hardy 38-38
- Biggest miss on the upside? Some over-achieving guy named "Hunter Pence" on the GBDubyas (Yahoo had him 410 places too low in O-ranking).
- [Updated with accurate, well... more accurate, information] Biggest miss on the ohmygod downside? Well, its all on the pitching side. [Thank you, Matt, for stepping up to plate and pointing out that I missed your guy (and all other pitchers apparently) in my scientific dissection of the Yahoo DB. ] If you thought your Carlos Zambrano, Jared Weaver, Scott Kazmir, or Barry Zito was underperforming his pre-season ranking, or you've been disappointed with the hitting of Brian McCann, Howie Kendrick, Cory Patterson or Lance Berkman, try Dontrelle Willis. Lovingly nicknamed the "D-Train" by his patiently steaming owner, Grabsumpine, he blew away the field with an O-ranking of 126 and a current ranking of 912. A spread of 786 places.
- There is only one Bonds and one Thomas in the Yahoo DB;
- two Dunns
- three Smiths, and Jacksons
- four Davis' and Molinas (all catchers, of course)
- five Cabreras
- six Rodriguez', Youngs
- seven Jones' and Gonzalez
- and nine Johnsons
Do you have a job?
I, too, have spent many an hour searching through the ranks pondering my next big move. Since you brought it up...I noticed that Dontrelle had an O-Rank of 126 and is currently sporting a Season Rank of 912. But, seriously, how do you get rid of the D-Train?
My boss, with his creative, supportive staff at his side, has persuaded the University to adopt "summer hours," i.e. we all go home at 3 on Fridays. Nice, eh?
JJ: I have that same question sometimes . . . :)
Interesting. Note that Yahoo does update the O-ranks during the season: A-Rod was more like 5 or 6 on draft day, and J.J. Hardy couldn't see 38 with binoculars on a clear day.
I also have to still say that Lance is a far bigger disappointment than Patterson--this is a guy currently sitting at .258/.772, on pace for about 18 HR, 75 R, and 75 RBI, whose worst season of his last eight has been .288/.927, when he still had 25 HR, 110 R, and 93 RBI. Last year? .315/1.041, with 45 HR, 95 R, and 136 RBI. He's a major offensive star hitting like a part-time utility infielder.
Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I could strike out Corey Patterson. I think Maria might be able to strike out Corey Patterson, too. Time to adjust that O-rank, Yahoo.
We've updated the so-called analysis.
So ... what the heck is the O-ranking anyway? Obviously, I thought it stood for "original" but if it changes during the season, what's the point?
In other news: They've moved Griff up to 3rd in the line up so Seattle can its ya-ya's out in the first inning.
--Off the Wall and Back to "Work"
8 pitchers on the DL! Well, seven plus Rich Harden, who was just activated today!
Or 8 teams in the WATL?
O-Rank = "Overall rank." I think it's a rough assessment of where they should fall overall based partly on performance this year and partly on track record. When Pujols is scuffling down in the 200s for the season, stat-wise, he's still a top-5 player overall because of his track record (if the draft were held today, he'd still go in the top 5). O-Rank is more resistant to change over the season than Rank, but it does change.
When O-Rank is better than Rank, it means they think the player is currently underperforming his true ability. When Rank is better than O-Rank, it means they think the player is currently overperforming his true ability. (Sometimes, of course, they completely mis-assess O-Rank, or don't increase it appropriately because there isn't a lot of track record. Hunter Pence's O-Rank of 546 is ridiculously low at this point. Patterson's O-Rank of 131 is--and always was--ridiculously high.)
That's what I think I've figured out, anyway. The Yahoo Fantasy Baseball Help is silent on the subject, which is kind of dumb, because it's sure not obvious what "O-Rank" is supposed to be, or who decides it, or based on what.
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